Treble Clef Lace


For all the music lovers out there, here’s a little something for you as well…

It’s bobbin lace, made with cotton black thread, and with the use of five pairs of bobbins. It took me about hour and a half to make it. This lace is about eight cm / three inches long and about two and a half cm / one inch wide.


It’s meant to be either part of a necklace (it looks boring on it’s own, I’m still figuring out on how to make it more interesting as a necklace…), or put in a frame and hung on a wall, or even turned into a bookmark (I’m working on plenty of personal designs for bookmarks, hopefully they will be ready in time for opening my Esty store).


Infinity Earrings


I’m really proud of these earrings, they are my personal design. I’m a huge Revenge fan (for those living under the rock, that’s an ABC series about a young woman seeking revenge for all the injustice that happened to her and her family) and infinity times infinity is my favorite symbol. For a while I was even thinking about getting a tattoo of it…


Anyhow overall its a simple design, nothing special, but it comes out pretty awesome (in my oppinion). Speacially since there are tons of infinity pendants/earrings/ bracelets made of metal, the same symbol made from a simple white thread being tied together over and over again… It’s same, but different. Just the way I like it.
I used a white thread, and made the lace with four pairs if bobbins. It took me little less then an hour to make one earring.


Something Pretty for the Last Post of 2015

I already told you my commitment for 2015, and it’s to open an Etsy store. If you don’t know what this is… It’s part of online store where artists and artisans from all over the world can sell their crafts. I learned how to make lace when I was eleven and I’m making lace ever since. In the past year I got to an idea to transform my hobby into something more. So the idea of an Etsy store was born.

I am planning on starting to sell things at the end of January, when I will have a little more time, to organize everything…

But this year is almost over (somewhere in the world it already is), and I thought that would be a great time to look back and decide which of my previous posts was my favorite and tell you why.

After careful examination (and tight competition) I decided my favorite post was the one featuring the lace-dove-of-peace necklace.


I like it because it’s a bit different than the other necklaces I did so far. Initially it was meant to only be a lace to put on the wall (you know put it in the picture frame…), but I believe it looks cooler as a necklace. A little funky and different than what a traditional lace necklace might be. And this is why it was part of my favorite post!


This necklace will be available for sale at the end of January on Etsy.



I decided it’s high time I take a gamble and just simply open an Esty store, where I will sell my lace internationally.

I will open the store in about month’s time, and I will try my best to add something new here on this blog as often as I can. Also I will add the official date of the opening up here somewhere, so you’ll all soon know when you’ll be able to purchase your favourite lace.

Now, let the countdown begin =)

Lacey Christmas Ornaments


This year, before I became too busy to even have time to get some proper sleep, not to mention make a lace or two, I discovered the ‘newer’ type of lace. It’s literally called a ‘lace in a circle’. And it literally is a lace in a circle… It looks amazing as a decoration on a Christmas tree, but it’s also great as a simple gift that you can hang anywhere you feel like.

This one has a neutral motive, but I also have some that have more Christmas-y motive, or even some really generic, like flower and bird and heart,

To make this lace, I needed five pairs of bobbins, and a metal circle (for this one I used an old blue bracelet, but for others I made I went and bought some silver and some golden ones). It took me about two hours to make the entire lace.

The Dove of Peace Lace Necklace



This is originally meant as a ‘regular’ lace, the one you frame and proudly display on your wall, but it just wasn’t working for me… So I decided to put it on a silver necklace and it worked! I like it so much more this way =)

For this lace I used four pairs of bobbins with snow white thread. It took me about two and a half hours to complete this lace.



Comment if you like my lace jewelry. If the response is good, I will open an Etsy store and you’ll be able to buy what you see here, on these pictures.

Tulip Shaped Lace Earrings


I made these earrings a while ago, for my mother to give to a friend as a gift. She was delighted when she got them =) Anyway, I used four pairs of bobbins and a silver metallic thread. It took me about three and a half hours to make both of the earrings.

Also, every time I make an earring, I have to leave it on my (lace-making) pillow for at least few hours, so there’s less chance the lace will lose its shape.

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Black and Silver Triple-S Shaped Lace Earrings


So this is how the earrings from the header look like on a person. I made them with four pairs of bobbins, three of them with black cotton thread and one with silver metallic thread. It took me about an hour to make both of the earrings, since they are so small…

Colors of the lace can be changed. There are many different threads (metallic, cotton and linen).


Lace Rose



This is another flower, a bit more complicated one… I used five pairs of bobbins and again, snow white thread. If I remember correctly I needed about a day to finish the lace.

Also this lace was made in two parts, first I had to made the blossom and then the flower stalk with leaves.
